Tourism & Development

Tourism is the key to success for development in many countries, the key element is the number of tourists in the world with a regular growth which is impressive:

1950 : 25 millions tourists - 2008 : 924 millions tourists - in 2020 and 1.5 billion tourists expected ... and tourism logically became the main source of foreign currency for 46 of the 49 least developed countries ( source: France Ministry ) .

Ocean Company Consulting is with you to significantly increase your market share and your incomes linked to the tourism industry.

Thanks to new technologies and appropriate communication, your sales can only increase. On the social level , the creation of jobs related to tourism has been identified and can be a dedicated strategy .

And the cruise industry can afford a massive flow of tourists on a minimum of time with a reduced investment relative to heavy infrastructure investment .

Any issue can be examined by our experts and solutions for the short, medium and long term subject to consultation ( including inception work methodology , data collection and synthesis)

Our experts have worked permanently in the heart of the tourism industry with results recognized by the profession.